
Thursday, 11 April 2013

Left behind the train. Mosese


L.I. - Look at descriptive language used in poetry
Look at active verbs

Left behind on the beach:
two scoops of holes
for the sea to fill,
two mini holes                                     
for the crabs to climb.

Left behind on the beach:
giggling waves, fists of shells,
treasures of seaweed necklaces,
diamonds of sun
and the crust of a sandwich:
seagull supper.

Left behind on the beach:
a summer holiday, carrying
beach towels, sunscreen and hats,
a beach chair for mum
and binoculars for dad.

Left behind on the beach:
the in/out breathing of waves,
the screech of seagulls,
the mizzle of mist
and somewhere out on the reef
the anchor of a long ago ship.

Look at the poem and highlight the verbs blue
Highlight the adjectives yellow
Highlight the adverbs pink

Now write your own version of the poem below
Left behind the train.

Left behind on the train:      
Two tickets lying on the the floor,
Big rail tracks for trains to ride on.
People waking up early to catch the train.

Left behind on the train:      
Lots of leather seats for people to sit on.      
rubbish and rocks lying on the railway tracks.
The train going past loud and fast.
Putting your money in the machine for your ticket.

Left behind on the train:
Two big boxes for the trains to carry to different locations.
Sliding doors for people to open to get into the train.
Seeing other people and meeting friends.

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